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Sunday, September 16, 2007

IP Geolocation (Part 2)

Thank you to those who clicked at the URL of my application testbed. This is a follow-up of the development of my project.

In the previous blog entry, I did some brief introduction and discussed about some implementation details of my project.

Initially the web page displays only the information gathered from the visitors' IPs. Over the weekend, I wrote a method in Python to store the information into a XML file (I chose Python due to its flexibility when it comes to parsing the XML). I reckoned that if the rate of the visitors grows exponentially through December 2007, the repository file is going to be so massive, probably in terms of MBytes. Let's see how things go.

The cycle of the program has changed with the inclusion of the method to store the visitors' information into XML. I have not thought about concurrency issue, yet, when multiple users visit my website at the same time.

But anyway, another milestone achieved, that is to store the information retrieved from the unique IPs.

Description of the project is continued here.


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