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Thursday, September 20, 2007

IP Geolocation (Part 5)

I'm switching gear to implement Google Maps to fully illustrate the geodata of the users. Why the sudden change - from Yahoo Maps to Google Maps? Initially I thought of using Yahoo Maps because their overlay looks cooler. But since this project is due in 3 weeks time, I decided to switch to something easier to get things done.

Although the Google Maps API implementation is straight-forward, the developers will still have to look around for examples. I have got something concrete now. Thanks to Mike Williams, (check out his website) who graciously and generously share his tips to change the default marker in Google Maps.

There are two fancy markers I obtained from Visual-Case. Check out their website! They have many fancy icons to fit into Google Maps.

This is how the map looks like in my browser. I have changed the default marker to a livelier ones. The marker changes color when the cursor is hovered across it.

The URL of the sample application is available here:

Currently my web application is not integrated yet with other modules. So it is quite dumb not to be able to detect the current geolocation of the visitors.

This is the latest update from me, Nicholas Key reporting from USFCA CS Dept.

Description of the project is continued here.


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